(This post is wayyy overdue! Sorry!)
Since the first day of braces, all has been well! Contrary to popular belief, the second day of braces way not something to fear. Sure- I experienced some discomfort- but nothing too terribly painful. whew! :) My gums were a bit tender and biting down on non-soft foods was not fun for a few days- but, in general, everything was and has been quite bearable! In fact, I've found the whole process to be exciting! Discomfort=movement. It's so exciting to see and feel gradual change. Call me weird for somewhat enjoying braces- but i think it's rather fascinating.
Pardon me for boasting- but I am proud and happy to say that I have flossed my teeth EVERY single night since getting braces! My orthodontist said that flossing would ease gum pain and make my mouth feel better. I couldn't agree more! Flossing makes my mouth feel great. I've never been this diligent and adamant about flossing-- but, wow! it's awesome! haha For some people, their dental hygiene declines with braces. For me, it has skyrocketed! lol. I know that if I miss one night of flossing, I will come dangerously close to losing the habit all together; therefore, I always floss every night- regardless of how tired I may be and how long it takes to floss between each bracket! That said, I highly encourage you to
floss- bracefaced or not! It will work wonders on your mouth!
For quite some time, I was not able to floss between two bottom teeth because they were crammed together. When they finally moved ever so slightly- I was overjoyed to be able to slide the floss in between them! ahh! Knowing that the braces are actually working and moving my teeth is so cool! There are so many little bits of progress on the path to a perfect bite/smile that make having braces worthwhile and exciting.
Yesterday, I went to the orthodontist for my first tightening. I must admit-- despite my enthusiasm for braces-- that enduring the prodding/pushing/opening brackets/replacing wires/putting on springs/taking off springs/etc was not a pleasant. In fact, I'd say some moments were one or two notches above discomfort- but, all in all, still bearable and worth it. This may sound strange- but at one point, it felt as though my braces were conducting some sort of electricity because when the orthodontist touched one of my teeth a certain way, I felt like I got "shocked." It felt much like the "shock" you receive from a static-y car or doorknob....
In general, the first tightening was still not the horrifyingly painful situation some people make it out to be. Hopefully, my experiences in orthodontia continue to defy the painful odds/common (mis)perceptions about braces. .. Maybe I can understand and appreciate having braces more than most people because I am older. Most people have braces during their whiny, confusing, frustrating adolescent years-- which explains why all of my thoughts on braces are linked to bad experiences and complaints (from all my friends who had braces in middle school)-- but, then again, this is only the beginning of my journey with braces. I'm sure some tough, painful times lie ahead. Whatevs. I'll deal with them when they arise. Until then, I'm going to keep reading other people's positive experiences with braces and jaw surgery and maintain high hopes. :)
Below is the slideshow of photos I promised in my last post! Enjoy! (hopefully, it works..)